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How to Choose Between Canvas and Framed Prints - Modern Memory Design Picture frames - NJ Frame shop Custom framing

How to Choose Between Canvas and Framed Prints


Canvas Print vs. Framed Prints frame shop new jersey New york custo framing

Do you know what the differences, advantages, and disadvantages are between traditional framed prints and canvas prints?  Well, at Modern Memory Design, our goal is to help you know what the differences and similarities are so that you are able to select the best option for your photos, and the space you’re wanting to add them to. 


Canvas Print vs. Framed Prints

To put it simply, the difference between canvas prints and framed prints all boils down to personal preference.  Our first recommendation is to look at the space on the wall that you’re thinking that your canvas print or framed print will be hung.  What do you think is going to look better there?  What kind of style is the design of the room?  Do you have a more modern look to your home, or is it more traditional?  Do you have a streamlined, clutter-free look, or do you have a mix of all kinds of frames?  Many individuals with a modern style prefer canvas prints without frames.  The other difference you’ll see between canvas prints and framed prints is the cost. 


What is the Difference in How Framed Prints and Canvas Prints are Made?


Framed prints have been gracing the walls of our homes and offices for hundreds of years.  One of the most traditional ways to display a special memory is by printing that image on paper.  This act gives it a certain aesthetic value, and it is beautiful. 

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When you choose to print a photo, the other advantage you have is that you can run down to your local store and find a standard sized frame to put it in.  The issue, however, is when you’re looking for a piece to put over your mantle, or behind your desk, and you’re needing something a little larger.  It’s not like you can run to Target and get a 24”x32” frame. 


This is why framed prints are usually in smaller frames, and not usually designed to be something that takes up an entire wall.  That being said, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t large, framed prints out there!  As a matter of fact, at Modern Memory Design, we go out of our way to help our customers get the print size and frame that they’re looking for, no matter the size. 


Frame Design Studio for custom size frame

Photo prints are printed on photo paper, and regardless of whether it is glossy or matte, it does tend to wear with time.  In order to ensure that the photo doesn’t fade, there are special glass and acrylic panes that go into frames, but you won’t find those at Target either. 


Canvas prints are printed with a state-of-the-art printer, called a Giclee printer.  This amazing equipment provides the highest quality print of any original art, even when printed on canvas.  When it comes to giclee prints, there are four elements that make them the best type of printing for recreating original art.  Giclee prints are renowned for having the best resolution, the best ink, using the highest quality papers, and of course the printer type.


When it comes down to ensuring that a reprint of your original artwork shows the tiniest fine lines, and the most subtle differences in shading and tone, your best bet is choosing a giclee print.  A giclee printer holds 12 ink cartridges, providing a wider range of colors making sure that when you duplicate your artwork it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the original and the duplicate. 

 framed art print wall hanging

Advantages of Framed Prints
  • Elegance and a high level of detail
  • Fiber based papers that make black and white prints look great
  • Inexpensive statement piece for your walls
  • Proper framing can protect and preserve paper photographs
  • Wide variety of sizing and framing options


Disadvantages of Framed Prints

  • Lighting can cause glare, reflections, and damage if not framed properly
  • Large sizes are harder to frame
  • Fragile and requires a frame, which should match your interior decorating style


Advantages of Canvas Prints

  • No problems with glares, reflections or fading

  • Support frame for a canvas print is hidden, allowing options for no frame

  • Larger sizes are available at lower costs

  • Much lighter to hang than traditional framed prints of the same size

  • Creates an effect that makes a photograph look like a painting

  • Goes well with any style of interior decorating

  • Can be installed into a frame that doesn’t intrude on the image

  • Larger range of styles compared to framed prints


Disadvantages of Canvas Prints

  • Sometimes the texture can be distracting
  • Photo can’t be swapped out, like a traditional printed photo
  • The canvas frame may warp in humid environments
  • Slightly more expensive than smaller printed photos


What is the Right frame Option for You?

When it comes to deciding between a print that has been framed, or a canvas print, as we stated in the beginning, it boils down to personal choice.  Try to think about your specific tastes, preferences, and needs.  Think about where you’re placing your piece, and whether something larger will look good there.  If you’re looking for a smaller piece, then photo prints are probably best.  If you’re looking for a way to make a statement, then a canvas print may be better. 


If you’ve thought about it, but you still need help, don’t be afraid to reach out to the friendly staff at Modern Memory Design.  We’re here to help, contact us today, and we’ll discuss your options with you, and talk about the type of space you’re looking at, and the differences between each option and how that may look.  We look forward to hearing from you and helping your art and memories come to life on paper.  Call, click, or follow us today to hear more about the wonderful opportunities in the world of print!


Frame sizes for your art prints 

Previous article The Ultimate Guide to Selecting Canvas Wall Art for Your Home Decor Gallery

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